Perhaps I misunderstand, but I use x11vnc on the 'server' and
vncviewer or tightvnc on the 'client'.  There are several pages to
google on tunneling it thru ssh, and it's much better with latency
than sending x iteslf over ssh, I'm told.  If you start x11vnc with no
options, it will export the current session/desktop, but there is a
switch to have it spawn a new x session also.  All the other vnc ports
only spawn new sessions, and I usually use it to help my wife fix
problems when I'm away at the office ;)


On Dec 24, 2007 9:05 AM, Jonathan Horne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i have been wanting to set up the ability to open an entirely new x session to
> another box, in a window of my currently running session.  xnest is one way
> of doing this, but i was wondering if there are any others (perhaps, a little
> easier to configure and get going) ?
> cheers,
> --
> Jonathan Horne
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