Hi all,


I Have a FreeBSD booting ok. It’s FSTAB is like this:

#Device        MountPoint     FStype           Options

/dev/ad1s1b   none             swap             sw

/dev/ad1s1a   /                  ufs               rw

/dev/acd0      /cdrom          cd9660          ro,noauto

/dev/ad1s2d   /backup         ufs               rw


When I boot the machine the boot manager shows me F1 and F2 to boot for.

F1 brings me /dev/ad1s1a OK

Still I want the machine to boot to /dev/ad1s2d

This partition has a backup from another FreeBSD which I want to boot.


To accomplish this, I need only to change FSTAB ?

What changes should I do ? changing /dev/ad1s2d to /dev/ad1s2a ? I read that
a means boot root partition


I tried to change FSTAB to 

#Device        MountPoint     FStype           Options

/dev/ad1s1b   none             swap             sw

#/dev/ad1s1a /                  ufs               rw

/dev/acd0      /cdrom          cd9660          ro,noauto

/dev/ad1s2a   /backup         ufs               rw


And it hanged when I pressed F1 (could not mount the root partition :P )


Could you guys give any hint ?

Sorry about this questions but I am a newbie to FreeBSD


Thanks once again


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