On Dec 27, 2007, at 10:40 AM, Peter Boosten wrote:

Quoting Jeffrey Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Is there any reason not to simply do a

cd /var/log
chown -R daemon .

I think (but I'm not sure) that permissions will be reversed by mtree.

This is the first I've heard of mtree. I just looked mtree(8), but I take it that mtree is run periodically somehow to "fix" things. Do you know where?

I can always keep my logs in some place other than /var/log if this is an issue.


chown daemon /dev/console

Won't work either. *if* you're going to do that you should alter / etc/devfs.conf

More things to learn. I'm not really concerned about logging to console anyway, as the machine will run headless most of the time.

Will log rotation preserve daemon ownership?

Never used the *traditional* log style with syslog-ng, I stored everything per day/month/year/server.

I'm doing that for hosts that this is the remote syslod server for. I'm using


for everything coming from the udp source. I suppose I could just add "localhost" under HOSTS to do a similar destination for everything else, though there I would probably have FACILITY be the major categorization

I ended up running syslog-ng as root, which is probably a bad idea as well, so I cannot give you any advice on this one.

It sounds like using something other than /var/log for a destination makes the most sense.

I won't promise anything, but if I get to grok this all better, I'll submit a pr for syslog-ng which includes a pkg-message and a FreeBSD README. (I had to look in the startup script for instructions on how to enable syslog-ng).


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