>>>>> "Xn" == Xn Nooby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
    >> To make things obvious you will have to take a look at your xorg.conf 
    >> Please do change  dir to its parent folder (cd /etx/X11/) and run
    >> cat xorg.conf | tr -s "\n" | grep -v "#"
    >> that should make your xorg.conf look simple and clear.

    Xn> Here is mine, which still wont go in to 1024x768 mode:

You've 3 options:

    Xn> SubSection "Display"
    Xn> Viewport   0 0
    Xn> Depth     24
    Xn> Modes "1024x768" "800x600"

1. How about appending "1280x1024" to the above line. AFAIK, these modes
are listed in the order of preference. See, if it works.

2. Another thing you can try, is to change the "VertRefresh", and
"HorizRefresh" limits of your monitor, change them in such a way, so
that X server won't be able to display 1280x1024 mode, resulting in
switch to 1024x768 mode. Since 1280x1024 requires a lower refresh rate
as compared to 1024x768, so .e.g. if 1280x1024 works on 60 Hz
(vertical refresh rate), and 1024x768 is available in 60 Hz, 75 Hz, 85
Hz, then you can increase lower limit of VertRefresh, to something
greater than 60.

3. Another thing you can try is mode setting, switch to 1024x768 using
xrandr. And then use "xvidtune -show" to generate modeline,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $  xrandr -s 1024x768

Now, in 1024x768 mode, enter this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ xvidtune -show
"1024x768"    136.75   1024 1536 1688 1936    768  903  909  942 -hsync +vsync

NOTE: Don't use above modeline, thats from 1440x900 resolution, except
that I changed 1440, 900 to 1024, 768 respectively :) .

Now copy above modeline, and add to the "Monitor" section of your
"xorg.conf" as show below:

ModeLine    "1024x768" 136.75 1024 1536 1688 1936 768  903  909  942 -hsync 

Ashish Shukla आशीष शुक्ल                      http://wahjava.wordpress.com/
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