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David Reedy Jr wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm very new to FreeBSD, just installed it for the first time maybe
>  a week ago. I've redone it several times since, so feel
> comfortable in the VERY basics. I've got things like ntp, ftp, and
> ssh configured, no problem. Not worried about mail.
> I'm setting this machine up as a local internet test server. I need
>  to get Apache, MySQL and PHP installed, and I'm worried if there's
> a preferred /required order to get it to work right / at all. FWIW
> - I've checked the handbook, apache.org, php.net, and mysql.com. I
> keep feel like I'm going round in circles.

There is officially no preferred order... each port will pull in what
it needs.   For example just selecting the apache module  when
installing php will automatically drag in a configured and working
version of apache (at least if you want stuff on port 8080 [std port
is 80 so you will need to edit the config file slightly {you may also
want to move docroot to a more convient place also}])...

Now there are some known (very rare) exceptions to the above for
example if you install net-p2p/deluge and multimedia/miro you should
install deluge first (while hand configuring boost to compile with
boost-python [actually just some make flags] instead of plain boost)
> Also, I've noticed that some of the port versions on this site are
> a little newer that in my 6.2 release. Will I have problems
> installing these instead?

You shouldn't have an issue since almost all ports have existed (and
largely unmodified) since 6.2... that being said you should still
consider up grading to 7 if at all possible since it adds a lot of
stuff that makes general operation much smoother.

> Thanks in advance.
> Dave _______________________________________________
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Aryeh M. Friedman
FloSoft Systems, Java Developer Tools
Developer, not business, friendly.
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