On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 12:01:18AM -0600, Jon Hamilton wrote:
> } On Mon, Jan 07, 2008 at 09:10:58PM -0800, Gary Kline wrote:
> } Paul Procacci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, said on Mon Jan 07, 2008 [11:34:08 PM]:
> } > Hi All,
> } > 
> } > Is there an easy way of determing whether a string//filename ends in
> } > *.gz? using /bin/sh?  I spend around 20 minutes cobbling together 
> } > scripts to burn ISO files last night.  Then blindly wasted one CD-R file 
> that 
> } > was gzipped..... tar barfs on you,but cdrecord dev=foo.gz writes
> } > exactly that.   I'd like to add a line that yells at me, then gunzips and 
> does 
> } > an MD5; then writes.   (In C, no prob; C lets me fly, but not /bin/sh.
> } > But anyway, if any guru can clue me in, thanks. I think my brain is in 
> Maui
> } > for a few days.
> } > 
> } Is this what you mean?
> } 
> } ---------------------
> } #!/bin/sh
> } 
> } STRING="mystring.gz"
> } 
> } if [ ".gz" = "`echo \"$STRING\" | sed -n 's/.*\(\.gz\)$/\1/p'`" ]; then
> }  echo test;
> } fi
> } 
> } -----------------------
> Works (I assume) but perhaps easier to read and more "native" might be:
> case "$STRING" in
> *\.gz)
>   echo "Found .gz suffix"
>   ;;
> *)
>   echo "Not a .gz suffix"
>   ;;
> esac
> Sh is a pretty versatile creature; I'm sure there are a thousand more ways
> all of which work, and some of which will cause religious arguments for 
> decades :)

        You may be right since lots of us toss bats or brickbats
        over seriously inconsequential things!   I'm an agnostic--or
        possibly a gnostic--when it comes to the [*koff*]
        ``religious args'' and so forth.  ....I like your first method since 
        I'm reading a great book called AWK AND SED.  Irecommend it to anybody
        who's into the fine points of sed.  I keep forgetting about the
        "\1" in sed, but still I'm not that far alongto have come up with
        your expression, :-) Impressive,thanks!

        The case/esac block would have occured to me eventully, but not tonight.
        Anywy, the if/predicate case is what I want.  So I  can gunzip, then  
        hand off to my cdrecord line and re-gzip.   Plus, yell at me  ...
        or whatever.



> -- 
>    Jon Hamilton 

Gary Kline  Seattle BSD Users' Group (seabug)      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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