On Tue, January 8, 2008 02:43, snowcrash+freebsd wrote:
> i've moved from a fbsd 62r + jails system, to fbsd 70rc1.
> i've set up ZFS,
>       zfs list
>               NAME          USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
>               z            6.49G   212G   247M  /z
>               z/home       28.5K   212G  28.5K  /home
>               z/j           988M   212G   988M  /j
>               z/tmp         408K   212G   408K  /tmp
>               z/usr        5.17G   212G  5.17G  /usr
>               z/var         103M   212G   102M  /var
> now trying to setup jails. following threads,
> http://groups.google.com/group/lucky.freebsd.current/browse_thread/thread/d6499483a264f3b9
>   http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-current/2007-December/080920.html
> i have,
>       grep jail /etc/rc.conf
>               ifconfig_nfe0_alias0="inet netmask" 
> # jTEST
>               jail_enable="YES"
>               jail_set_hostname_allow="NO"
>               jail_list="TEST"
>               jail_TEST_hostname="jTEST.internal.net"
>               jail_TEST_ip=""
>               jail_TEST_rootdir="/j/jTEST"
>               jail_TEST_devfs_enable="YES"
>               jail_TEST_devfs_ruleset="zfsenable"
> and,
>       cat /etc/devfs.rules
>               [zfsenable=10]
>               add path 'zfs' unhide
> i've populated my jail ROOT from previously created ServiceTemplates,
> exactly as I'd done on 62R, per instructions at,
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/jails-application.html
> when i 1st try,
>       /etc/rc.d/jail start
>               Configuring jails: set_hostname_allow=NO.
>               Starting jails:df: /j/jTEST/dev: No such file or directory
>               mount: /j/jTEST/dev: No such file or directory
>               /etc/rc.d/jail: WARNING: devfs_domount(): Unable to mount devfs 
> on
> /j/jTEST/dev
>               /etc/rc.d/jail: WARNING: devfs_mount_jail: devfs was not 
> mounted on
> /j/jTEST/dev
>               cd: can't cd to /j/jTEST/dev
>                cannot start jail "TEST":
>               jail: getpwnam: root: No such file or directory
> there's a missing dir.
> not surprising, as step (4) @ .../handbook/jails-application.html had me
>    rm -R bin boot lib libexec mnt proc rescue sbin sys usr dev  <<<<<-----
> forcing it here (i do't think this is really what needs to be done) with,
>       mkdir -p /j/jTEST/dev
> just to test, then,
>       /etc/rc.d/jail start
>               Configuring jails:.
>               Starting jails: cannot start jail "TEST":
>               jail: getpwnam: root: No such file or directory

If I remember correctly there was no password file for in the jail. I
think you have to rerun a certain command. Of course I do not remember the
command :( The command should create the master password database.

Also you have to run within in the jail newaliases to create the aliases
file, do a touch /etc/fstab to stop complaints about unable to read

No more information in the /var/log/messages when starting the jails?

Furthermore I am not sure that you can run a jail on a zfs file system.
The setup I have is that I run my jails on ufs and have a zfs filesystem
available within the jail.



> clearly gets farther, but still no luck starting the jails.
> apparently, something's changed in the process of devfs creation/mount
> now that i'm using ZFS?  or, have i missed an obvious step?
> do i perhaps need to set /j/jTEST as a separate ZFS mountpoint? e.g.,
>  zfs create z/j/jTEST
>  zfs set mountpoint=/j/jTEST z/j/jTEST
> ?
> any suggestions ?
> thanks!
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