On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 22:26:45 +0000 RW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 15:59:04 +0000
 > Dead Line <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > > 
 > > Hello People..
 > >  
 > >     I recently have noticed something!
 > >     Im installing FreeBSD 6.2R fresh install, When im downloading
 > > anything using the ports, The download speed appear as it is 33 K or
 > > 32 K! In fact im on DSL 512 K. 
 > >     Im a missing something silly here? is it the actual download
 > > speed ? or the estimated? or? 
 > 32kBytes/s * 8bits/Bytes = 256kbit/s
 > You are getting 50% of your nominal speed, that's not particularly
 > unusual.

Actually if you figure at 10 bits/byte you'll get a much closer estimate
of true maximum speed.  On a 512kbps link you'll rarely see more than ~
51.2Kbytes/s even on download tests, similarly ~150Kbytes/s @ 1500kbps.

So 33Kbytes/s is closer to 64% of maximum, and as you say is not unusual
on a heavily loaded site, or over international links.  K being 1024, of
course, which is what fetch reports, with k (bps, bits/s) being 1000. 

cheers, Ian

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