
On Fri, 2008-01-25 at 00:22 -0500, Dantavious wrote:
>       Hi all,
> I have a working Postfix Mailserver with maildrop installed. This mailserver 
> is setup for virtual accounts. I would like to filter incoming mail using 
> maildrop at the server. I followed all the docs that I could find out on the 
> net concerning this setup. What I have done so far is.
> Created a  .mailfilter in the /home/vmail file that points to the 
> .mailfilters 
> file.
>  less .mailfilter
> xfilter "/usr/local/bin/spamc"
> # Check for user defined filter file
> exception {
> logfile $HOME/.maildrop.log
> include "$HOME/mailfilters/$LOGNAME"
> }
> In my "$HOME/mailfilters//$LOGNAME"/ , I have a [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailfilter 
> file that looks like this.
> if (/^From:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/)
> {
> exception {
>   to "$DEFAULT/.Comcast/"
>   }
> }
> All messages sent here does not go into the .Comcast folder but in my inbox. 
> I 
> also do not get any entires in the maildrop.log that i setup. Does anyone 
> have this setup and working. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

"include" specifies a filename, according to the maildropfilter(7) page
I've got here. It's not clear how these match each other:

        include "$HOME/mailfilters/$LOGNAME"

        In my "$HOME/mailfilters//$LOGNAME"/ , I have a [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>         file that looks like this.

I had always found logging to be somewhat temperamental when I was
setting up maildrop some years ago. I haven't messed with my .mailfilter
settings much lately apart from adding filters for new mailing lists,
but I just un-commented my old logfile line and it started working

        logfile "${HOME}/maillog.log"

Check directory/file permissions/ownership?

If you can't resolve it you'd do better taking this to the maildrop
mailing list I'd wager.


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