On Monday 04 February 2008 09:43:56 am Leonid Satanovsky wrote:
> Hello, people!
> Does anybody know whether the SATA raid controller on Asustek's P5M2-M
> motherboard is supported by FreeBSD 6.3 ... or 7.0?
> ------------------------------
> We are choosing a motherboard for a low-end mail server (this is a small
> company with lots of mail,... and the host will also serve as Internet
> gateway... that's the strange configuration -) ) )
> ------------------------------
> Thanks in advance!
> Best regards,
> --les

My experience with the onboard BIOS RAID of various motherboards has been 
horrific.  I'd suggest one of two paths, depending on the RAID configuration 
you're going for.

If you strictly doing mirroring check out gmirror.  If you are planning on 
some sort of striping and want boot support think about populating one of the 
8x PCI-e slots in the board with a RAID controller.  I've had good luck with 
the highpoint 23xx and 3ware 9650s, I'm sure there are other well supported 
options as well.

If you really need boot support and striping but costs are so touchy that you 
can't afford a RAID controllre I'd boot the thing off USB and use 
gstripe+gmirror before I used the motherboard RAID.  It's that bad.


Josh Paetzel

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