While C might be a good starting point
UNIX is written primarily in C. Solaris, IRIX, AIX, Linux, etc, and, yes,
even FreeBSD, are all developed in C. My own OS is written in C (*wink*). So
is my favorite OS to hack in: plan9. People thought this trend might decrease
as the years passed on, yet, they have not. Operating system design trends
tend to be object oriented in design, yet, reside in a C language primary. With
the movement towards an IA64 platform, I think the trend towards object
oriented conceptualization will persist, while base code will stay in the C
domain. UltraSPARC and other 64bit families may be designed with OOB
in mind, that doesn't seem to be the trend in utilization throughout the research
community, both public and private.

and Java
might teach you object orientation skills one might choose C++ over C or
even over Java.
Objects are simply an abstract of perception relative to one's environment. That
abstraction changes with every individual to a degree, yet, stays founded on a
generic concept of orientation. This foundation can be maintained in any language.
There is no "pure" OOB language, nor is there a "best" OOB language. Instead of
talking about portability/usability/etc I will simply summarize Java by saying:
Sun rules.

As for ASM, it gives you a good background over how a
computer works but it's not suitable for every programer.

Every programmer must learn underlying architecture to comprehend the design and
intent of his application, no matter what level of the OSI (or another model) the app
resides in. This relation is inherent in every abstraction of computer design. A great
example is the recent "security flaws" in some Wayne County/Michigan web sites.
The developers did not understand the underlying architecture of the internet, or, even
more trite, the design of web site transaction state and HTTP. This failure to "dig deeper"
caused users to reveal other users' credit card information simply by substituting names
in the web site's normal functionality. Underlying architecture comprehension not suitable
for every programmer?

"dead cats... dead rats..."

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