Le 11/02/2008 à 10:31:53-0600, Darryl Hoar a écrit

> I have Freebsd 6.3-release installed on my server.  I used ports 
> to install mysql 4.0 on this machine.  Turns out, I really need
> mysql 4.1.  What is the proper technique to remove the mysql 4
> and then install mysql 4.1 ?

Backup you databases.

Backup you mysql config (if you change anything from standard)

search the exact version

        pkg_info|grep mysql


        pkg_delete mysql-exact_version


Albert SHIH
Observatoire de Paris Meudon
SIO batiment 15
Heure local/Local time:
Lun 11 fév 2008 17:36:28 CET
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