> Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 16:34:21 -0500
> To: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
> Subject: Re: what happened to linuxflashplugin?
> Interestingly enough, I just did a quick perusal of the URLs I frequent,
> and virtually all of them, in one form or another, asked for 'Flash'.
> Even 'sourceforge.net' greeted me with this friendly message:
> You need to install the Macromedia Flash Player plug-in to view all
> content on this page. Do you want to download this plug-in now?
> IMHO, for an individual to state that Flash is not a relevant issue
> simply because they choose not to employ it, is similar to patient
> claiming that cancer research is a waste of time simply because they
> are not afflicted with the condition.
> -- 
> Gerard
> One of the pleasures of reading old letters is the knowledge that they
> need no answer.
>       George Gordon, Lord Byron

I consider it rather funny that a site for the promotion of OSS is using a 
product that is distinctly the opposite of that! :)
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