Em Thursday 14 February 2008 11:25:28 Aline de Freitas escreveu:
> I'm triyng to build llmozlib (which is a dependency for secondlife viewer)
> from the port provided in
> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Compiling_the_viewer_(FreeBSD).
> The build fails in a way that looks very easy to solve, but I couldn't
> manage it.
> The error message:
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmozjs
> c++ is invoked with:
> -L../../dist/bin -lmozjs
> and in the ../dist/bin directory we have:
> /usr/ports/local/llmozlib/work/llmozlib/build_mozilla/objdir-mozilla-freebs
>d/dist/bin]# ls -lh libmozjs.so.1.0
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel    28B 14 Fev 10:30
> libmozjs.so.1.0 -> ../../js/src/libmozjs.so.1.0
> The link is not broken and the permissions looks right to me:
> /usr/ports/local/llmozlib/work/llmozlib/build_mozilla/objdir-mozilla-freebs
>d/js/src]# ls -lh libmozjs.so.1.0
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   693K 14 Fev 10:30 libmozjs.so.1.0
> Does any one have any idea about what may be wrong here?
> Thanks in advance.

Replying to myself I've solved with

ln -s libmozjs.so.1.0 libmozjs.so

This is because I realized in the ld manpage that the linker when invoked 
with -larchive looks for a library libarchive.so But a question remains. How 
could I link a library which name is libarchive.so.1.0 ?

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