At 12:06 PM 2/14/2008, Martin Cracauer wrote:
I have the following problem when using screen sessions between
FreeBSD and Linux:

The pageup/pagedown keys stop working when I re-attach a session that
was started under FreeBSD to a console that is Linux driven and vice
versa.  All other keys, including alt/meta and some supposedly more
complicated keys continue to work.  I haven't verified this in detail
but it seems that while programs like mutt seem affected often emacs
seems to be happy.

I know NIL about curses.  How would I go about debugging this? I would
need something like "xev" for curses to see what keys I get from the
different consoles and then I'd need something to find out what a
given session expects.

Where do I start looking?

Also, I see screen on FreeBSD emit line noise on a regular basis, both
when attaching before the session comes up and after deattaching.
Dunno whether this helps.  Example:
# session running, press detach key
-en \033]0; grisu:ttype:~\007



In the past I have had issues with reading some keys with curses too.

I would read the keys and if they were unknown I'd print out the value. I used a large case statement and if the key fell through I printed out the value.

You also need to remember in curses most of the extra keys, function and movement keys are compound sequences where first ESC is sent, then the actual keycode is in the next two bytes. You have to get those two bytes and put them together to decode the actual keycode.

You can debug your program in any debugger, I used xxgdb from the ports.


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