On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 8:45 PM, eculp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have installed freebsd server in a small company that has approx 30
>  pc's of all sizes, shapes, brands, etc.  They have just realized that
>  a large part of the problems that they had before the firewall was
>  caused by the 30 windows pc's that were connected directly to the
>  ISP's wireless router.  They would like to change the PC's to unix
>  desktops.
>  I would like to install FreeBSD or any other bsd but don't feel that
>  we have the drivers available to substitute such a wide variety of
>  hardware.  I would love to be proven wrong.  Therefore I am
>  considering a linux version with a graphic installer that will make it
>  easier to train someone to install on any new machines that they add
>  later.  My problem is that I haven't done a linux install since before
>  FreeBSD 2.2 IIRC and have no idea which version would be the most
>  versatile and has an installer that is basically brain dead simple
>  with most all drivers.  I suspect that I am asking the impossible but
>  you never know.
>  I'm sure that I'm not the only person to run into this situation and I
>  would sure appreciate any suggestions.
>  Thanks,
>  ed

Ubuntu Linux. It's very windows-users friendly, and has a graphical
installer. It's based on Debian Linux. It also is a  LiveCD, so you
can test hardware before actually installing it to the HDD.
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