Tore Lund wrote:
Manolis Kiagias wrote:

I have already upgraded a couple of machines from 7.0-RC1/2 to 7.0-RELEASE using:

freebsd-update -r 7.0-RELEASE upgrade

However, on this one machine, I get this:

freebsd-update: cannot open files/.gz: No such file or directory

I have no answer, but as step in hopefully the right direction, let me
ask: does /var/db/freebsd-update/files exist when you get that message?
Are there any files in it?

I upgraded yesterday, and my ../files directory is full of *.gz files.

I can't really remember, but since I've deleted and recreated the entire folder, it should have been recreated at first run as well.

I didn't really solve the freebsd-update problem, but I upgraded the machine in the following way: I did a binary upgrade from the CD, then csup'd the sources and recompiled the kernel. I guess if there continues to be a problem with freebsd-update, it may exhibit itself during normal updates as well.
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