On Wednesday 05 March 2008 11:55:48 am Nerius Landys wrote:
>  I'm running FreeBSD 7.0 on a server with an Intel Xeon Dual-Core 3060
> Conroe (2.4GHz) CPU.
> I'm wondering what I should set CPUTYPE to in my /etc/make.conf.
> The file /usr/share/examples/etc/make.conf has this information:
> #       (Intel CPUs)    core2 core nocona pentium4m pentium4 prescott
> #                       pentium3m pentium3 pentium-m pentium2
> #                       pentiumpro pentium-mmx pentium i486 i386
> I guess those are the possibilities.  Which one should I choose for my
> processor?
> Also, by accident, I had CPUTYPE=p4 in my make.conf when I compiled world,
> kernel, and ports.  "p4" is a flag from older FreeBSD distributions I
> think.  Will this ("this" meaning both that "p4" may be unrecognized and/or
> it's not my processor type) cause any problems, or should I recompile
> everything with the correct CPUTYPE flag?  Installing world is a hassle
> because it's not easy for me to do it from single user mode.
> Thanks.
> - Nerius

As a general rule, setting a CPUTYPE is something you should try to 
avoid...there's all sorts of breakage it can cause for very little gain.  If 
you're heart is set on it though, your CPU is a core2.


Josh Paetzel

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