erik Wilson wrote:
I'm pulling my hair out here. I've been working on this for days without
any success.

I've whittled the ruleset down to the barest possible rules and even that
doesn't work. I'm at my wits end. I would really appreciate it if someone
could show me where i'm being a complete and total moron.

Here's the situation. I have a somewhat unique environment. It consists of
2 WAN's, an internal LAN, and numerous VLANS (isolated clients, which need
to be accessible from the internet, but not to each other). This runs in a
VMWare esx server, but that's not really important.


em0 = lan (10.0.0.x)
em2 = WAN1 (y.y.y.y) (dhcp)
em3 = WAN2 (x.x.x.x) (static /28 subnet)

the default gateway is on nic2. nic3 will need to forward ip:port's to
various vlans. nic2 is used for all outbound lan traffic (internet). nic2
will need to failover to nic3 eventually, and nic3 will have to failover to
nic2 (for outbound, obviously no choice for inbound).

So here's the problem. I can't even get nic2 or nic3 to respond to a ping
request from outside my network when pf is enabled. I know the interfaces
are set up correct, as I can ping the default gateways of both interfaces.

Also, outbound NAT works perfectly on wan1.

Here's my ruleset.

set block-policy return
set skip on lo0
nat on $wan1_if from $lan_if:network to any -> ($wan1_if)
block in log
pass out log keep state
pass in log inet proto icmp all icmp-type echoreq keep state
pass in log quick on $lan_if

Looks simple enough, right? Why won't it work? All i want is to get a ping
from both of the firewalls WAN's from outside the network.

Any ideas?

How about the log?

I know you have cut away a lot of rules, but maybe that just makes things more confusing. Try to nest your rules in the following order:

direction - interface - protocol - src net - dst net - port/type

You should need no "out" rules if you have "in" rules with keep state. At each branch level make a catchup rule at the end with default action and "quick" key word to make sure packets don't spill over and get matched by other rules.

Hopefully this will help you pin down where things go wrong.

Cheers, Erik

Erik Nørgaard
Ph: +34.666334818                 
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