On Mar 12, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Angelo Turetta wrote:
I then proceeded to copy my cyrus-imapd partition from /usr/local/ mail (on /dev/da0s1f) to the new 76GB /mail (/dev/da2s1d). During this copy I noticed the disk usage of the mailboxes (as reported by du(8)) growing about 20% larger in the process. Please note that cyrus stores mailboxes with 1 file per message, 1 directory per IMAP- folder, and the moved files are in the order of the hundred- thousands, with half of them less than 8 KB large.

I tried understanding where the difference was, but I cannot work- out any cause in the file systems:

I believe Cyrus will create hard links if the same email message is kept in multiple folders. If your copy did not preserve hard and symlinks, the extra space growth might be a result...consider retrying the copy using the options to rsync/tar/whatever to preserve the links.


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