Brad Pitney wrote:
On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 4:52 AM, Robert Chalmers
I've read the spots off everything I can find about getting X going, and I
 have it all up and running sort of.

 But only sort of.

 I have X-Win32 trialling on a laptop, and want to be able to connect to the
 Xserver - but I just can't seem to do it.

 To give you a run down.

 I have X working.

 I have KDE working.

 I have the /etc/ttys entry set to:

 ttyv8  "/usr/local/bin/xdm -nodaemon"  xterm  on  secure

 ..  (I note that kdm is much prettier, and appears to work Just as well)

 I have the entry in xdm-config commented out.

 ! DisplayManager.requestPort: 0

 /root/.xinitrc contains "exec startkde"


 Using 'xdm' , booting brings up an oversize font LOGIN -PASSWORD display.
 Very ugly. (kdm looks nicer, but I'm following the manual)

xdm can look nice.

 Neither xdm or kdm, let me log in as root.

 I have to go Ctl+alt+F1 to get to the good old terminal window.

 Now, the main problem is .. Which is a real pain, as I do need to connect to
 this thing remotely.

 I can't connect from the remote laptop's X-Win32 program xterm emulator

 Has anyone managed to get any remote, xterm emulators going? And how so?

you know, I'd recommend X over ssh, although I used Xming, there 's a
package with it bundled with putty

even comes with pretty good documentation

I am not sure if I understand original question. Do you want to have GUI access to your remote machine?

1. If you are in the LAN zone you can run X-server on your Windows machine (obviously Cygwin comes to mind
and XOrg for it as well as other GNU tools) and run
x-clients (applications on your remote box) via let say tftp (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) or much slower NFS. Read man pages for XOrg and tftp how to do that.

2. If you want to connect remotely on the insecure network you basically have two options

a. ssh -Y (edit /etc/ssh/sshd.conf file) since by default X log in is disabled. You have to have quite good machine to do this because of cryptography used by ssh and good internet connection. You again need to have OpenSSH on your
Windows machine so Cygwin is must.

b. You can run VNC server on your FreeBSD box and run VNC client on your Windows machine. ThightVNC comes to mind. I prefer SSVNC client for the client side because of cryptography but I am not sure if it available for Windows. Any how you can use TightVNC which does exits for Windows.


 Thanks if you can help - I'm almost there.


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