"Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi, Ive got a big problem now on a production server.
> When i do various things, i am getting "write failed, file system full"
> messages all over the place. Ive gone through and deleted
> things i can, and i should have the space now, but its just
> not available:
> $ df -m
> Filesystem  1M-blocks Used Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/da0s1a      2015 1858    -3   100%    /
> /dev/da0s1e     14061 9002  3933    70%    /usr/local
> procfs              0    0     0   100%    /proc
> I dont know what kind of math lets you do 2015-1858 and gives
> you an answer of -3!
> I have softupdates, or whatever, but i dont know how to get 
> it to release this space. I cant reboot the running server.
> I am planning on adding a disc to this system but right now
> i need to get this space released ASAP! Can anyone help?

Please see the FreeBSD FAQ entries on "The du and df commands show
different amounts of disk space available. What is going on?" and "How
is it possible for a partition to be more than 100% full?"
Lowell Gilbert, embedded/networking software engineer, Boston area
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