On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 01:42:14PM -0500, David Kelly wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 10:31:27AM -0700, Gary Kline wrote:
> > 
> >     Very late last night it occurred to me that the reason no
> >     /dev/lpt0 was that my parallel cable isn't plugged into my new
> >     printer.  The test pages work via the cat5 <-> switch; this
> >     HTML helped me configure the 5250.  When I another geek over 
> >     here to plug things together, I'll be able to test the
> >     /etc/printcap.   Here it is, as auto-installed by dpkg -i::
> > 
> > HL5250DN:\
> >         :mx=0:\
> >         :sd=/var/spool/lpd/HL5250DN:\
> >         :sh:\
> >         :lp=/dev/usb/lp0:\
> >         :if=/usr/local/Brother/lpd/filterHL5250DN:
> I forgot, is there a reason you are not using apsfilter out of ports?
> Stick with apsfilter and its lengthy guided text-based config and you
> will have a working printer in short order.

        Well, the only reason not is sheer ignorance!   i have used
        several of the /usr/ports/print utilities and thought that 
        apsfilter did file filtering: there are at least a couple
        filters that ``pretty-print'' C programs.   Guilty of not having
        kept up with advances in this kind of software ... but then my
        old hp deskjet 500 lasted 16, 17 years :-)  bAck then I was
        running SVR4 on a homebrew 386-40.  But hey... .

> Have almost never used my 5250 from FreeBSD so its not currently
> configured and I'm no where near it at the moment. But after fussing
> with other "solutions" including CUPS, I keep coming back to good old
> simple apsfilter.
> To print via network lpd style change your lp line to :lp=:\
> Specify the remote system by IP address or name something like this:
>       :rm=kyocera.local:\
> And specify the printer queue on rm that one is to print:
>       :rp=lp:\
> You can list the printer name in /etc/hosts if its difficult to add to
> DNS proper. Or just put the numbers in rm= above. I have a caching bind
> running above where I've added a .local domain for internal machines.

        The gentleman who helped me join the 21st century made several
        mods to my DNS files.  My ISP wouldn't grant permission for me
        to control my reverse lookup, so I haven't paid attn to my
        those filess, including my internal network.  But when I had 
        more machines, I did use the remote lpd stuff. In fact, after 
        I gave up on CUPS (On ethos: my Ubuntu desktop), I used the 
        remote lpr/lpr printcap. It's still there, :-)

> The main thing I use the Kyocera printer (above) is to print man pages.
> "man -t man | lp". Very pretty and impressive man pages.

        That, sir, is the only way!  Some of the man pages are so
        dense that reading them online is impossible.  Give me ink+paper
        and I'll go in a corner and read.   The past N years I need my
        printer for to correct essays [ and still some code ], but 
        it's a must-have.

        Thanks for the *clue*... .


        PS:  personal response coming to your offline mail ... day or so.
             meetings etc call right now.  
> -- 
> ========================================================================
> Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

  Gary Kline  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
        http://jottings.thought.org   http://transfinite.thought.org

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