I've beening having this problem with applications running under X. I'll use konsole as my example. I fire up konsole and start typing. Nothing is echoed on the screen. I move my mouse in the window that I'm typing in and viola the text appears. This started recently after a portupgrade -ar. I attempted downgrading kde and xorg to install from packages and still same behavior. This occurs intermittently but frequently. For example, I am typing this in thunderbird and for the most part it's normal, however I've had to move the mouse several times to get the screen to reflect what I'm typing. I'm using FBSD 7 and *now* kde 3.5.8 from packages. Nvidia driver 169.12.

This issue I think is also related to some other gui/issues that started at the same time like clicking and dragging a window causes it to go full screen. I should also mention I'm using twin view.

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