herbert langhans wrote:
Also check if you have the /etc/x11/xorg.conf -- root 644. Dont keep another xorg.conf in the /home/user directory so its using the one from /etc/x11 for sure. Dont have ~/.Xresources and ~/.Xmodmap in the home directory.

I must admit I have some xmodmap-commands in my .xinitrc. They worked fine in my 7.0-Beta1 installation. I now have upgraded to 7.0. X.org is 7.3_1. I copied my ~/frank from one computer to another via NFS. May it be there went something wrong? (See below)

Check .xinitrc if it is in /root. If it is there and it works copy it over to 
the /home/user, care for permissions or make it 777.

I have only one in ~/frank.

Watch for /usr/local/lib/X11/xinit -- it will use this when you have no 
.xinitrc in the /home/user or permission is set wrong!

The file /usr/local/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc is set to r--r--r--. It seems to me this is somehow wrong. Should I change it, and to which value?

Such troubles I solve best when I look over it the next day. Usually I find it in two minutes then and wonder how I can have not seen such an obvious mistake..
On Thu, 03 Apr 2008 22:38:04 +0200
Frank Wißmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

herbert langhans wrote:
can you start twm when you log in as a user. It smells like some permission 
issue from xfce. You could backup the xfce files with the actual permissions 
and then set them all to 777 and try to start it.

Just an idea
On Thu, 03 Apr 2008 21:03:40 +0200
Frank Wißmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all!
Hope there's somebody out there who can help me with the following problem:
When I type "startx" as root all is coming up as expected, the X-Server and twm as WM. When I stop it, log in as a normal user and do the same there is only a grey screen with a mouse-cursor coming up and doing nothing until I kill the X-Server with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace. On the original screen from which I tried to start is shown the following error message:

AUDIT: Thu Apr 3 20:34:48 2008 836 X: client 1 rejected from localhost (uid 1001)
Xlib: connection to "0:0" refused by server
Xlib: Protocol not supported by server

.xinitrc and .xsession both have the same contens "exec startxfce4" and the permissions "rwxr-xr-x".

Any thoughts please?

TIA Frank
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If I comment out the "exec startxfce4" in both files the effect is the same: No WM starts, just the X-Server. The interesting effect is that the output on the regular user's terminal is the same as above written. So it seems it has nothing to do with the WM I want to start.


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