Jim Stapleton wrote:
I have something I'd like to add to ports eventually, but it isn't
read yet. I was wondering what the preferred method of requesting
users take a peek at it and tell me what they think/want.

Normally I would agree with everyone that says to ask on -ports@ but this fits extremely well with what is generally refered to as ports 2.0 (different names are used by different members of the loose community working on it, I have CC'ed everyone else so you know who they are).
The actual software would go under ports-mgmt, and has the main
functionality intended. The actuall set of programs is called 'virtual
ports', and it allows a keyword and virtual directory indexing of the
ports tree. The goal is to allow people to play around with different
designs of the ports tree without having to change the system ports
tree - preventing breakage in programs, and giving both the users and
maintainers of the ports tree more flexibility in organization.

I don't know if this fits 100% what Ale calls virtual ports (see http://wiki.freebsd.org/PortsToDo) but it very close to the image I have for them (we need to know more details of course). I am going to forward you some stuff so you can have a better idea of where the ports 2.0 are heading. Also keep in mind that at the very least I will likely want to look at your stuff in extreme detail because something like this is a natural extension of the SoC project I am awaiting approval on.
Should I post the tbz file on my web server, and post a link on a
mailing list, or post the copied/pasted shar to the mailing list
(466kb, so I'm guessing /no/ to that one).

Should I post here or to -ports?

There are some historical/political reasons why you should have a small group look at it before you post the code to -ports@ (see the references I am sending you)
-Jim Stapleton
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