On Wed, 9 Apr 2008 18:16:45 +0200
Roland Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I would recommend is to buy a large harddisk with a USB
> connection and use that to store your backups. Make your backups with
> the dump(8) command, and compress the dump using gzip(1). E.g. to
> dump the root partition:
> dump -0 -a -C 8 -h 0 -L -u -f - / |gzip
> >/where/to/put/root-0-20080409.gz

OK. Right. And what is exactly the command for restore?
Something like "gunzip dumpfile.gz | restore rf dumpfile"
Or what. Compressing is nice but the use of gzip is always a bit
confusing to me.

Dick Hoogendijk -- PGP/GnuPG key: 01D2433D
++ http://nagual.nl/ + SunOS sxde 01/08 ++
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