This One Time, at Band Camp, Erik Osterholm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said, On Wed, 
Apr 09, 2008 at 01:42:16PM -0500:
> Sure.

> At your shell prompt, type:
> man 5 crontab

> You'll find the man page for the crontab file, which includes multiple
> examples of cron entries.  All of those use the time specification,
> though, rather than the @reboot keyword.

> An example using @reboot:
> @reboot                       /usr/local/bin/screen -d -m Rtorrent

> You can edit the crontab for the user with this command at your shell
> prompt:
> crontab -u username -e

> This will dump you into your editor, editing the crontab file for the
> user "username".  Type in the crontab entry (for example, the one I
> used as an example above), save, and try restarting the jail.

Thank you, I googled a bit yesterday actually and now it's working
perfectly :)

I use linux since 6 years and I've never seen this reboot command
actually, but I'm used to cron, but thanks a lot for pointing this out,
it's very useful :)

> Erik

Wael Nasreddine
PGP: 1024D/C8DD18A2 06F6 1622 4BC8 4CEB D724  DE12 5565 3945 C8DD 18A2

/<o>\ The mark of a good party is that you wake up the next morning wanting to
/<o>\ change your name and start a new life in different city.
/<o>\           -- Vance Bourjaily, "Esquire"

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