Thanks Jon..I finnally solve it, the problem appears on the Samba..

best regards...

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 10:00 PM, Jon Radel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ruel Luchavez wrote:
> > *My Problem:*
> Only one?  ;-)
> > I have a new user, i already add the user in the server using command
> > "adduser" and "pw" to modify it, by the way the name of user is ac06...
> > when i had a command "id -p ac06" this is the reply of the server..
> >    uid      ac06
> >    group   plusmate
> > and which im sure its correct..
> >
> > BUT, when that user acces(ac06)  the folder (plusmate shared) throug the
> > windows (windows XP) its always asking for username & password, however
> it
> > didn't ask for username & password while the other users getting to that
> > folder/directory.
> Assuming you're using Samba for this, you'll need to read up on
> authentication in Samba and then figure out which of several options are
> configured on your system.  It is not [necessarily] sufficient to add a
> FreeBSD user.
> --Jon Radel
> P.S.  In many circumstances
> adduser -G plusmate ac06
> instead of
> adduser -g plusmater ac06
> would give more elegant results.  Other things being equal, it's better
> to have all users use their own login group and then add them to
> additional groups as appropriate.  There are plenty of legitimate
> reasons not to do this, so you're probably best off remaining consistent
> with the setup of the existing users.
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