>> OK.. if it is running inside your jail it doesnt respond to WINS
>> broadcasts (request for NETBIOS Names.. oi, who is Machine on this
>> subnet???), if it is not running in your jail, it is.

>I wouldn't say "WINS broadcasts" but NetBIOS broadcasts, yes. "Machine"
>is jailed Samba 3 server - I want it to be accessible from Windows machines
>via \\Machine. But it is not unless I put it out of jail (or turn on WINS in
>smb.conf and enter the WINS server IP into Windows clients). Windows >machines
>don't have the WINS server set - I don't want to use WINS server capability
>of Samba (nor of any other server on the network).

>> So, what are your settings for master (local, domain and wins)?

         wins support = no
         local master = yes
         domain master = yes
         preferred master = yes

>> can you do a ping to machine? Can it be resolved?

>C:\Users\Nejko.DOMAIN>ping freebsd
>Ping request could not find host freebsd. Please check the name and try >again.


>Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
>Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

>> Can you connect smbclient //ipadres?

>You mean \\ Yes.

>> Do you see the smb client listening on the machines virtual ip?

>You mean smb server - yes:

>root     smbd       1436  18 tcp4    *:*
>root     smbd       1436  19 tcp4    *:*
>root     nmbd       1430  6  udp4    *:*
>root     nmbd       1430  7  udp4    *:*
>root     nmbd       1430  8  udp4    *:*
>root     nmbd       1430  9  udp4    *:*

>> in case the above work for you it is all about name resolution.
>> # man smbclient
>> Read the first paragraph of servicename on servername resolution.

>I know it is all about network resolution. But the question is how to
>convince a jailed Samba to reply to NetBIOS broadcasts. I can't find this
>in any manual.


This is nota n issue with samba it is a name resolve issue.
If you add in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts the following does all work 

ipadress        Machine-name

where ipadress is the ipadres of the jailed samba server and machine-name is 
the netbios name of the jailed server.

If this works then you need to check your DNS server.

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