On Sat, 3 May 2008 13:35:10 -0400
Sahil Tandon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi.  I'm running FreeBSD 6.1.  I have never had a problem with
> portmanager until today.  I was trying to update amavisd-new.  When I
> issued the upgrade command, portmanager started to update perl5.8.
> Everything was going fine until I realized it was looping.  After the
> "3rd strike," I was told to look at the log.  I am not able to glean
> much in the way of solutions, so hoping someone with a similar
> experience can help.  I did see prior threads about the looping
> problem but I am still unable to update perl.

What version of portmanager are you running? The last one is '' I
believe. It might have been nice if you had also posted any pertinent
portions of the log file also. There was a looping problem in a very
old version of portmanager; however, supposedly it had been corrected.
Portmanager will not update itself if I remember correctly. I believe
you have to do it manually.

I might suggest the following.

Assuming you have the latest version of portmanager:

1) Update your ports tree
2) Clean out '/usr/ports/distfiles'
   Not really necessary; however, it cannot hurt.
3) If available, run: portsclean -CDLP
4) Run: portmanager -u -p -y -l

Good Luck!


Ban the bomb.  Save the world for conventional warfare.

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