On Sun, 04 May 2008 22:12:23 -0700
prad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i'd like to know how people live with freebsd.

great, thanks for asking! :)

> do you use only ports or only packages or a mixture?

mostly build my own packages from ports. Sometimes I would use a package when 
either I dont have the time /resources to build ( OOO, but lately i've just 
built it myself). Also using packages for those apps that, 

> do you upgrade from version to version using freebsd tools or do it
> manually?

version to version of what? Of kernel and world, in my workhorse laptop, i do 
source upgrades and roll my own kernel.
For some servers and VM which are fairly generic and don't need much tweaking, 
i just run generic or SMP and use freebsd-update. I've used freebsd-update to 
upgrade VMs from 6.x to 7.x works GREAT (thanks Collin!)

> do you have a different approach regarding the above depending on
> whether it is for a server or a desktop?

it actually depends on how much customisation i need

> the handbook tells you what you can do, but i'd like to know what is
> actually done and why.

of course :)

have fun!

{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

"I've dirtied my hands writing poetry, for the sake of seduction; that is,  for 
the sake of a useful cause."

I speak for myself, not my employer. Contents may be hot. Slippery when wet. 
Reading disclaimers makes you go blind. Writing them is worse. You have been 
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