Desmond Chapman wrote:
I'm still stuck on the command line for this one. How do I give the user 
permissions and allow an application such as k3b to access the device? Any and 
all links to howtos or your own method is welcome.
Thank you in advance.

I have the following in my /etc/devfs.conf file:

own cd0 root:operator
perm cd0 0660

This makes the cd device owned by root / operator, and the permissions are set so that everyone in the operators group can read and write the device. If you change it to perm cd0 0666, everyone will be able to read and write (depending on your setup, this may have security implications). Do not forget to perform /etc/rc.d/devfs restart if you change the above file.

You will need to load the atapicam module into the kernel if you wish to use utilities like cdrecord and k3b. This will make your atapi CD to be handled as a SCSI device. Use something like:

kldload atapicam

and add: atapicam_load="YES" in your /boot/loader.conf so that it also loads on your next boot. You can also build atapicam into your kernel if you don't want to use the module. The CD will then be handled using a cdX device, i.e. cd0, while the atapicd is usually acd0

Finally, for instructions on setting up k3b, go to /usr/ports/sysutils/k3b directory and type:

make showinfo

This will tell you most that you need to know on setting up k3b (including some of the info mentioned above).
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