I have quite a bit of trouble with the /etc/rc.d/named script. The source 
of the biggest issue was the rc_run_command was not issuing the run command
with "/usr/sbin/named". It was just running the arguments w/o the executable.

e.g.   -t /var/named  vs. /usr/sbin/named -t /var/named

I have the stock /etc/defaults/rc.conf, and the only thin in /etc/rc.conf 
related to named is a correction to the chroot directory... For the time
being that issue has been resolve by hacking the rc.conf to issue the 
executable where the flags are specified. However, when issuing /etc/rc.d/named
I get:

named not running? (check /var/run/named/pid).

/var/run/named/pid contains the correct PID, and has permissions:

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  bind 

Anyone else having trouble with this? None of the other init scripts are having

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