On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 08:08:11AM -0400, Bob McConnell wrote:
> On Behalf Of Gary Kline:
> > 
> > This is a bit hard to figure out how  to phrase, so please bear
> > with me.  I want to put-back a BBS/forum type app somewhere on my
> > site so that members of my writing group can continue to help me
> > with their suggestions and edits of my Jottings project.  Some 
> > people are taking a break for the summer, &c.
> > 
> > I've had PHPBB up a few times, and lost it as many times for
> > different reasons.  It takes about an hour to set up one of these
> > ``forum'' applications; I don't know about the others.  
> > 
> > Does anyone have a best-win/solution as to which port/package to
> > use?   Or would it be just as good to go with a canned
> > (javascript or other) app?
> > 
> > Again: the nutshell is to allow my fellow writers to comment-on,
> > edit, suggest, critique, flame, whatever, my jotting meditation.
> > [for now, the URL would not be published.]
> Have you looked at any wiki software? I have Dokuwiki running on an
> Apache server here at the office as an idea and collaboration incubator.
> There were over 1100 pages created on it the first year. It's all
> written in PHP and was quite simple to set up. You can get it at
> <http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki:dokuwiki>.
> Bob McConnell

        thanks for the url, bob.  i'll pull it up next time i use a 
        gui mailer.  wiki would let us edit things.  IIRC.  but it may
        be over-kill too.

        i checked out what was, i believe, "plone" last week.  i don't
        remember seeing plone on the opencma list.   

        (still chewing it over with my fellow writers.    unfortunately,
        none is a techno-geek.)   i believe you that dokuwiki was easy
        to set up.   how easy is/was it to *use*, tho?  ---I'm following
        the gimp tutorial, but still cannot get anything to work.  
        so if there are docs for this wiki software, they've got to be 
        fairly well tested.


  Gary Kline  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
        http://jottings.thought.org   http://transfinite.thought.org

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