On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 11:37 AM, Pietro Cerutti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> |> I have a MSI-1034 (M662) Core2 Duo. Attached is my (patched) asl. Dunno
> |> if it can be of any use for you, though....
> |>
> |>
> |
> | Thanks Pietro, I really appreciate this.  Can I ask by chance, does this
> | turn on your battery indicator light on your front panel on your MSI
> | notebook?
> This was working anyway, IIRC.

Ah yea well mine is now completely off charging or not....  :(!  I
thought this could be related to the status handler for the battery
but on second thought this maybe something else.

> |
> | Also, what's the downside of changing ASL?  Can I brick my notebook?
> I just
> | have to ask since I am assuming I will be changing the underlying AML
> | generated which I suppose can cause chaos (i.e. I want to make sure I can
> | reset it).
> No, it just changes the ACPI code used by the operating system. It
> doesn't modify anything in your laptop. If it doesn't work, just disable
> it and reboot :)

Ah, I got it.  I get confused.  The ASL is groked by the core CA
(which provides the main table API for the kernel).  Duh!  (my ACPI is

Ok, let me look at it some more and see if I can integrate it in for
the battery status section...I'd like to try to get this notebook to
be fully functional if possible!

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