Em Sex, 2008-06-20 às 14:55 +0200, Wojciech Puchar escreveu:

> > Is anyone using FreeBSD for their VOIP PBX needs?  If so, what software

I work on a copany that does this

PABX (large ones) only using FreeBSD -> http://www.levier.com.br

FreeBSD 7.0 asterisk 1.4 openvox hardware....
it is incredible stable...  and using postgres as a database + dial
(the dial logic is done in sql stored procedures) the possibilities are
far beyond
the needs of the clients....

We have several call centers using it... in a 24/7 basis... 
Using hardware from openvox (E1/ISDN) 

How much cpu????
we use always AMD 64 X2 with 2Gb of memory for
up to 3 PCI boards of 4 E1 each, that is: 12 E1.
Each board trigges 2000 interrups/second... so
there are 6000 irqs/sec on the system....
for an universe of 200 ATA's  (cisco PAP2...)  and 400 users...
on line, fulltime... 

On the bench mark, FreeBSD was superior performance over
other OS... including the new Linux kernels.. 

The asterisk  is 1.4.20 build from the ports with codec negotiation

Hope you have an idea now....

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