I recently rebuild a 7-STABLE which refused to boot & then ran into some
problems trying to recover.

1) After escaping to the loader prompt, I could only enter a couple of
characters (eg 2) before the machine hung. Not enough for the "unload /
load" dance.

2) After booting from the downloaded 7-RELEASE install ISO (AMD64), I find
the emergency shell doesn't have mount_ufs, just mount_nfs. Also, no /rescue
directory. I don't know if this is by design, but how does one mount root or
any other local disk partition?

3) After downloading & burning the 7-RELEASE LiveFS ISO (AMD64), I find
fixit told me ld.so-hints could not be created & dynamicly linked programs
wouldn't run -- and they didn't.

4) So I reinstalled, only newfs'ing /root & pulled the appropriate files
from a backup.

What am I missing?

This is a dual-boot VISTA machine with easybcd boot sector. I don't know
what to make of problem 1), but the others seem release-engineering related.

Thanks. Kent
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