On 2003-02-14 17:11, "Jack L. Stone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Giorgos: As a refresher, below are the /etc/defaults/rc.conf
> Unless, the /etc/rc.conf overrides, these turn on as stated. Based on the
> below, what is not turned on....???
> [...]
> sendmail_enable="YES"   # Run the sendmail inbound daemon (YES/NO/NONE).
> sendmail_submit_enable="YES"    # Start a localhost-only MTA for mail submission
> sendmail_outbound_enable="YES"  # Dequeue stuck mail (YES/NO).
> sendmail_msp_queue_enable="YES" # Dequeue stuck clientmqueue mail (YES/NO).

The defaults are a bit different in STABLE vs. CURRENT (note
sendmail_enable=NO).  In my CURRENT installation, the defaults are:

   sendmail_enable="NO"         # Run the sendmail inbound daemon (YES/NO).
   sendmail_submit_enable="YES"         # Start a localhost-only MTA for mail 
   sendmail_outbound_enable="YES"       # Dequeue stuck mail (YES/NO).
   sendmail_msp_queue_enable="YES"      # Dequeue stuck clientmqueue mail (YES/NO).

Well, anyway...
The rc.sendmail script supports the following setups:

Setup 1. Sendmail accepts mail both on localhost:25 and over the
network at address:25 ports.

        When you set sendmail_enable=YES, it overrides two rc.conf
        variables, sendmail_submit_enable and sendmail_outbound_enable.
        A sendmail process is started with /var/spool/mqueue as the
        queue directory, and mail accepted over a connection to port
        25 is delivered as usual through the /var/spool/mqueue queue.

        You have to also sendmail_msp_queue_enable=YES too in this
        case, to allow local users to deliver mail to Sendmail over an
        SMTP connection to localhost:25, or use a cron job.  The MSP
        queue runner does *NOT* listen on any port, but runs
        periodically dequeueing mail from /var/spool/clientmqueue and
        passing it to the localhost:25 daemon (or any other host that
        you have configured in your submit.mc config file).

        Alternatively, you can keep sendmail_msp_queue_enable set to
        NO, and use a crontab entry to dequeue mail from clientmqueue
        by running:

                sendmail -q -Ac

        Note that you still have to create a valid submit.cf file,
        even if you use cron to dequeue mail from clientmqueue.

        Suggested rc.conf entries:

2. Sendmail accepts mail only over a connection to port 25 of the
localhost interface.

        To make this work as expected, sendmail_enable should be NO
        and at the same time sendmail_submit_enable should be yes.
        Sendmail will start, but listen only on localhost:25 and use
        /var/spool/mqueue for mail that is received over an smtp
        connection to the localhost:25 port.

        This is a very nice setup for dialup users who don't want
        their Sendmail daemon to listen on any other interface;
        just loopback.  Delivery of outgoing mail still works like a
        charm, since the daemon started by sendmail_submit_enable will
        periodically flush /var/spool/mqueue and send mail out.

        An MSP queue runner or cron job is needed in this sort of
        setup too.  See above.

        Suggested rc.conf entries:

3. Sendmail doesn't accept any sort of mail over smtp.  It only runs
   the queue /var/spool/mqueue periodically.

        This is what sendmail_outbound_enable=YES is most useful for.
        There are two ways to do this.  One of them is with a setuid
        sendmail process, and one without.

        3.a. Setuid-root sendmail process

             Follow the instructions in /etc/mail/README for
             changing back to a setuid-root Sendmail setup:

                chown root /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
                chmod 4755 /usr/libexec/sendmail/sendmail
                rm /etc/mail/submit.cf

        3.b. Non-setuid root Sendmail process

             A bit tricky; you have to manually copy sendmail.cf to
             submit.cf and set DeliveryMode=queue in submit.cf.  This
             is a setup that I haven't tested a lot, but I'll have
             some time this weekend.

        Note: You can not use a clientmqueue runner with this sort of
        setup, because there is no daemon on localhost:25 to receive
        the connections from the clientmqueue runner.

        Suggested rc.conf entries:

Setup 4. No Sendmail daemon process at all.

        I haven't tested this yet, but I expect local delivery to be
        broken too.

        Suggested rc.conf entries:

- Giorgos

If you're about to ask ``Why isn't all this in the Handbook already?''
suffice it to say that I've been experimenting and reading about
Sendmail a lot the past few weeks.  I'm trying now to collect all the
notes from the mess I have in my bedroom and sit my lazy *ss down to
write a new Sendmail chapter for the Handbook.

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