On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 10:59:58PM -0700, prad wrote:
> in our search for servers we contacted genstor (on the freebsd
> compatible hardware list) and a very nice fellow talked to us and sent
> us a quote. it was out of our price range, but i was very puzzled to see
> that the brand new and powerful system they were putting together was
> going to be operating with freebsd 5.4
> why would a new system such as this be supplied with such an old os?
> -- 
> In friendship,
> prad

I'm not sure who you talked to but I deal with Genstor on a weekly
basis. The company I work for has a long history of buying from Genstor and
we have found that they are very proficient with FreeBSD. They will set up
a machines for you with almost any version of FreeBSD you want. Almost as
in anything older that 4.8 will be a real pain to get working on modern
hardware. Their base install of FreeBSD is 6.3.

Another vendor you should look at is iX systems
(http://www.ixsystems.com/). They also do a great job with FreeBSD systems.


Josef Grosch           | Another day closer to a | FreeBSD 6.3
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Micro$oft free world  | Berkeley, Ca.

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