On Sunday 29 June 2008 23:40:21 Desmond Chapman wrote:
> "Feature only available with HAL"
> I have asked about this. I have searched. I have tried sysctl, I have
> edited devfs.conf and to no avail. I have changed permissions on the
> device.
> And I still cannot access it as a normal non-root user.
> How do I make it work?

Try this.
1) as root: add the following line to the end of your /etc/sysctl.conf file


2) as root: Invite your user to the "operator" group
3) as root: chmod 660 /dev/acd0
4) as root: add this lines to the end of your /etc/devfs.conf file

own     /dev/acd0   root:operator
perm    /dev/acd0   0660

5) as root: edit your /etc/fstab to add a line like this:

/dev/acd0       /home/youruser/media cd9660  rw,noauto   0   0

6) as root: issue the following command:

/etc/rc.d/devfs restart

7) as user: create a "media" folder inside your "home folder" (the thing is 
that users can only mount on folders they own ...)

When done .. give it a shot:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]% ls media/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]% mount -t cd9660 /dev/acd0 media/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]% ls media/
4.3/       TRANS.TBL  etc/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]% cd media/4.3/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/media/4.3]% ls
TRANS.TBL  i386/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/media/4.3]% cd i386/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/media/4.3/i386]% ls
INSTALL.i386  boot.catalog* bsd.rd*       comp43.tgz    man43.tgz     
xetc43.tgz    xshare43.tgz
TRANS.TBL     bsd*          cdboot*       etc43.tgz     misc43.tgz    
base43.tgz    bsd.mp*       cdbr*         game43.tgz    xbase43.tgz   
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/media/4.3/i386]% cd ~
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]% umount media/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]% ls media/

If it worked, feel free to create a "Create New/Link to Device/CD-ROM Device" 
in your KDE desktop ... just make sure that in the "Device" tab entry, the 
path points to /dev/acd0 (/home/youruser/media), and that the rw or ro values 
are correlative to those in your /etc/fstab entry.

Hope it works your you. That's the way it works for me :)
Gonzalo Nemmi
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