On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 12:22:25PM +0100, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> On Friday 14 February 2003 11:45, Valentin Al. Sitnick wrote:
> > I have problem with installation FreeBSD 5.0 to my PC because I have
> > NVidia MX440 SE-T videocard. The original drivers from NVidia.com cannot
> > be installed for this FreeBSD Version.
> >     Is there decission of this problem?
> Yes, use the nv driver included in XFree86.

Is there any news about a new driver for FreeBSD?   I'm guessing they're
waiting for XFree86 4.3 now, but that 'initial beta' driver has been out
for a few months, so does anyone know if there's any work going on inside
NVidia on getting a 5.0-CURRENT or 5.0-RELEASE driver released?


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