FreeBSD Fans,

Okay, I'm not exactly a "new" user. I've been running FreeBSD for about a year or so on my web/mail server, which I only have remote access to. It's currently running 6.3.

Saturday I finally found one of those "round tuits" and switched my home PC from Debian to FreeBSD. I've been a Linux user since the 1.xx Linux kernel days, so it took quite a bit of convincing myself to make the switch. But other than needing to unlearn some bad habits I got into thanks to Linux, I'm feeling right at home.

After getting a taste of ZFS while trying out OpenSolaris Indiana under VMware, I decided to give FreeBSD's ZFS implementation a try. Actually before installing FreeBSD I tried a native OpenSolaris Indiana install briefly, but ended up deciding it's new package system wasn't quite ready for prime time yet.

Do I really need ZFS? Not really. But after getting a taste of ZFS it'd be hard to go back to "regular" file systems.

I've had a couple of problems and I'm not sure if there ZFS related or not.

When I switched my PC to FreeBSD this past Saturday I went by the article located at:

to set up ZFS. I followed the article's loader.conf tweaks advice and added:


to /boot/loader.conf.

All went well at first, then eventually I experienced my first hang. If I remember correctly, I had an mp3 playing via mplayer and was moving a large file from one ZFS "partition" to another. Both the mp3 player and mv command appeared to hang. Checking top one of the processes was in a zfs:lo state and the other was, I think, in a zfs:&b state, or something similar. I forget which was which. Eventually they recovered. Eventually I encountered a similar hang with similar symptoms. The second hang might have eventually recovered on it's own but I finally resorted to hitting the power switch. After a little Googling on the process states I tried adding:


to /boot/loader.conf. After doing so I gave ZFS a bit of a workout. I shuffled some large files around, etc., and all appeared well.

When I went to bed this morning, I had to work graveyards last night, I had an build running, which had been running for eight hours or so. Okay, although I usually install everything from ports maybe I should go with the binary package for OpenOffice. Anyway, when I got up this afternoon my PC was completely locked up. I had no video signal, caps lock and num lock wouldn't change the keyboard LEDs, etc. I finally resorted to hitting the power button.

After getting things back up, I freebsd-updated to 7.0-RELEASE-p2, after some Googling and commenting out the chflag calls in freebsd-update. I know, I should have checked for updates right after I finished installing FreeBSD.

Anyway, does the above hangs all sound like they're ZFS related. Are there any other settings I should try? Is there a FreeBSD ZFS mailing list? I searched but couldn't find one.

Bruceville, TX

Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.
Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla!!!

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