
On Wed, 9 Jul 2008, Andreas Davour wrote:

I've tried and it just wont work. It look like the packages don't reside on the server but I can't change ftp.freebsd.org so how do I get it?

From the Googling I did on the subject recently there is no official binary packages for OpenOffice available. It is available in the ports tree. The following thread:


on DæmonForums.org has a link to a site:


With binary packages available for various versions of FreeBSD. Well, the thread pointed to the i386 packages, but the amd64 packages were easy enough to find.

I had no trouble installing OpenOffice 3 from ports on my i686 box, other than it taking 8+ hours to compile and my PC locked up shortly after it completed. I thought it had locked up during the compile but eventually discovered that it had completed the install successfully before locking up. I'm still getting the kinks out of my ZFS tweaks.

Bruceville, TX

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