
On Jul 10, 2008, at 1:58 PM, Veronica Labarca wrote:
I have inherited a FreeBSD server and need to change the apache
configuration, but cannot log in to the server. I have the root password (and know how to change it if needed in any case). The problem is that root login is disabled. There are various administrative accounts on the server, but I don't have the password to any of those. Can someone advise me as to either, how to get the root login enabled or how to change the password on a
different account?
Thanks for any help you can provide.

If you can login to the machine directly on console, the root password should work. At which point, set up a normal user account which is in the wheel group and can use su, and/or install sudo. Or use passwd to change the passwords of some of the existing accounts to a known state.

If you really want to permit remote logins as root via SSH, edit /etc/ ssh/sshd_config and set "PermitRootLogin yes", and then restart SSHd...but please be warned that this is a significant security risk, unless you take measures like disabling password in favor of SSH keys only, or use a firewall to restrict which machines can connect to SSHd on this machine.


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