On 7/19/08 9:50 AM, Matthew Seaman wrote:
Manolis Kiagias wrote:

This is not a problem with freebsd-update. The kernel has not changed
 between -p2 and -p3, so freebsd-update will not get you an updated
one. If you recompile the kernel afterwards, it will show -p3 because
of the change in /usr/src/sys/conf/newvers.sh (this changes everytime
 freebsd-update gets new updates, regardless of whether the kernel is
 updated or not). So, simply by recompiling the kernel you will get
the -p3 indication, though nothing much else in this case.

I had a thought the other day that it should be possible to to provide
the system patch level as data within a very small KLD module. That way freebsd-update could change the value without having to supply a whole
new kernel and without having to reboot.

Something showing what's currently running would be a useful addition IMO. Yes, the user can grep /usr/src/sys/conf/newvers.sh to get the kernel patch level, but:

1. the user doesn't know if that patch level is currently installed and running; and

2. the user may not know version numbers for other pieces of code altered by freebsd-update. For example, someone else already pointed out that 'named -v' returns '9.4.2', the same version as before running freebsd-update.

Port maintenance tools such as portmaster and portupgrade indicate which version they're upgrading to; a similar facility in freebsd-update would be nice-to-have too.



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