Thanks, Matthew !
I will try it, and report again.

2008/7/21 Matthew Seaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hashimoto wrote:
>> Can I configure FreeBSD as an exit of "IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel"?
>> Let me explain it in detail.
>> Both hostA and hostB have global IPv4 address.
>> And hostA has global IPv6 address.
>> I have installed FreeBSD 7.0 on both hostA and hostB.
>> Then, I want to config "IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel" from hostB to hostA.
>> Is it possible?
> Yes, absolutely.  I have a similar configuration for my IPv6 connectivity.
> There are some alternatives (stf(4), faith(4)), but this is based I what
> I have.
> This is mostly in terms of what you'ld add to /etc/rc.conf on HostB --
> HostA will be similar, but addresses will be reversed in the obvious
> places.
> i) Create a gif(4) interface and configure the endpoints:
> gif_interfaces="gif0"
> gifconfig_gif0="hostB-ipv4-number hostA-ipv4-number"
> ii) Enable IPv6 on HostB -- I'm assuming you've assigned a /64 net block to
> HostB (perhaps a tad excessive, but pretty much the
> default for an allocation of a chunk of IPv6 address space.) Adjust
> the prefixlen to suit.
> ipv6_enable="YES"
> ipv6_defaultrouter="-interface gif0"
> ipv6_default_interface="gif0"
> ipv6_ifconfig_gif0="1234:5678:9abc:def0::1 prefixlen 64"
> iii) Settings on HostA are slightly different -- HostA has to be a
> router, and it only wants to route the HostB block via the gif(4)
> tunnel:
> ipv6_enable="YES"
> ipv6_defaultrouter="hostA-ipv6-gateway-address"
> ipv6_gateway_enable="YES"
> ipv6_static_routes="hostB"
> ipv6_route_hostB="1234:5678:9abc:def0:: -prefixlen 64 -interface gif0"
> iv) That should be everything you need to get point to point connectivity
> working.  Note: it's pretty easy now to make HostB an IPv6 router and
> assign IPv6 addresses to anything on the same local subnet as HostB.
> In fact, you can use rtadvd(8) on HostB to make that automatic:
> ipv6_network_interfaces="auto"
> ipv6_prefix_em0="1234:5678:9acb:def0"
> rtadvd_enable="YES"
> rtadvd_interfaces="em0"
> Then just run rtsol(8) on all the other machines that will use HostB as
> their IPv6 gateway.
>        Cheers,
>        Matthew
> --
> Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
>                                                 Flat 3
> PGP:     Ramsgate
>                                                 Kent, CT11 9PW

Hashimoto Kouki
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