In response to Greg Larkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hash: SHA1
> Bill Moran wrote:
> | $ whoami
> | wmoran
> | $ mkdir test2
> | $ sudo chown daemon:daemon test2
> | $ sudo chmod 6777 test2
> | $ ls -lah | grep test2
> | drwsrwsrwx   2 daemon  daemon   512B Jul 25 07:40 test2
> | $ touch test2/testfile.empty
> | $ ls -lah test2
> | total 8
> | drwsrwsrwx   2 daemon  daemon   512B Jul 25 07:41 .
> | drwxr-xr-x  59 wmoran  wheel    6.0K Jul 25 07:40 ..
> | -rw-r--r--   1 wmoran  daemon     0B Jul 25 07:41 testfile.empty
> |
> | Shouldn't testfile.empty show up as daemon:daemon? or am I
> | misunderstanding something about how setuid works?
> |
> | This is on FreeBSD 7, but I observe the same thing on 6.3 and 6.2.
> |
> Hi Bill,
> ~From what I've read, you have to take some extra steps to get this to
> work.  First, visit this page and search for "suiddir":
> I believe you have to run a kernel with the SUIDDIR option enabled, and
> then you have to mount your filesystem with the suiddir option, as
> described in the mount man page above.
> Let us know if that works for you or not.

That explains it, Greg.  Thanks for the feedback.

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.

Phone: 412-422-3463x4023
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