On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 11:13 AM, Odhiambo Washington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I can tell you it is "impossible". Why?
> While you can actually write a script to try to do it, you'll more
> likely end up breaking the e-mail format, because it will not be too
> easy to rightly guess the content-type/boundaries in replies.
> Well, take a look at procmail, with a client like mutt... you can do
> fancy things, but not the type you want!

You won't know if it's impossible until you try it and fail repeatedly and
grow some gray hairs from the experience. :-)

But back to topic, I can see something like this being scriptable. It might
wind up being one of those scripts that only works on one mail client which
has been configured to display email in a particular way -- but seems like
it could be done.


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