> You can edit `/etc/hostname.foo0' in the Sun too, and add
> something like:
> mtu 640

[getting OT for FreeBSD]

Are you sure that works as far back as SunOS 4.1.1?

/etc/hostname.le0 currently consists of the single word


and it looks as if this causes /etc/rc.boot to do

  ifconfig le0 pluto netmask + -trailers up

(where the name pluto resolves to via /etc/hosts).
If I were to change /etc/hostname.le0 to

  pluto mtu 640

I think the ifconfig command would become

  ifconfig le0 pluto mtu 640 netmask + -trailers up

and it doesn't look as if ifconfig recognizes mtu as a keyword
(at least while running -- granted I haven't tried actually
editing /etc/hostname.le0 and rebooting):

  # ifconfig le0 pluto mtu 640
  ifconfig: mtu: bad address
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